Defense Science and Aerospace
Common Optical Systems for 1T Optics Applications
Optical system is the main application of optical lenses, 1T Optics lenses are used in many optical systems, such as photomultiplier tubes, diodes and so on. PHOTON MULTIPLIER TUBE (PMT) A photomultiplier tube is a vacuum device. It is composed of photoemission cathode (photocathode), focusing electrode, electron multiplier and electron collector (anode), etc. It is […]
The working principle of laser galvanometer
The principle of the galvanometer is: input a position signal, the swing motor (galvanometer) will swing a certain angle according to the conversion ratio of a certain voltage and an angle. The whole process adopts closed-loop feedback control, which is composed of five control circuits, such as position sensor, error amplifier, power amplifier, position discriminator, […]
How to clean optical elements ?
In laser processing, life science, machine vision, optical communication, laser cosmetology, aerospace, education scientific research, etc can use mirror, prism, window, lens, filter, grating, optical components such as choosing suitable optical element is important, but the daily maintenance of cleaning methods are equally important. So how do we clean the surface of optical components?First of […]